Minggu, 09 Agustus 2020

Materi B.Inggris 9B 10/8/20 (Giving Suggestion)

Asking and giving Suggestion Advice

Beberapa hal yang perlu diketahui mengenai suggestion & advice:

Suggestion (kata benda) yang berarti saran, suggest (kata kerja) yang berarti menyarankan.

Advice (kata benda) yang berarti nasihat, advise (kata kerja) yang berarti menasihati.

Keduanya (baik suggestion/advice) bisa menggunakan ungkapan yang sama dalam meminta, memberi, menerima ataupun menolak saran/nasihat tersebut.


  • I have a problem. I need your advice.
  • What do you suggest?
  • Do you have any suggestions?
  • What should I do?
  • If you were me, what would you do?
  • What’s your advice?
  • Please tell me what to do.
  • What ought I to do?


  • I would like to suggest you that …
  • It’s better for you to …
  • My advice is …
  • My suggestion is …
  • You should + verb 1
  • If I were you, I would …
  • You had better + verb 1
  • Why don’t you + verb 1 … ?
  • How about + verb-ing …?
  • I think you should …
  • I advise you to …
  • Try to …
  • You ought to + verb 1


  • That’s good idea. I will do it.
  • I’ll try. Thank you.
  • Sure, I can do it.
  • Yeah, you’re right.
  • Why didn’t I think of that?
  • That’s the best one, I’ll try that.


  • I can’t do that.
  • I’m afraid I can’t.
  • Could you give me another way?
  • I think it can’t solve my problem.
  • I’m not sure.
  • How about other suggestions?
  • I don’t think I can.


Dialog 1

Pandu:I think I need to improve my English. What do you suggest me to do?
Dimas:It's better for you to take an English course. The best one is at Padjajaran street.
Pandu:I've thought about that but I'm not sure I can't take that course. It's really far from my home.
Dimas:How about taking an online course?
Pandu:Wow, that sounds good. Please tell me what to do.
Dimas:You should visit English Class then enroll online course. This website also provides various English lessons. You can visit this website whenever you want.
Pandu:Sure. I'll try soon. Thank you so much.

Dialog 2

Rina:Have you checked the update from Mr. Dennis?
Laras:No, I haven't. I feel under the weather. What's new?
Rina:It's about a new task. Ouch, try to drink more water then take a rest. I hope you'll be better soon.
Laras:Yeah, sure. Thank you so much.

1. Baca dan pahamilah materi di atas.
2. Catat materi di atas ke buku catatan B.Inggris. Untuk soal latihan mam akan berikan 
    minggu depan ya nak.
3. Setelah siap dikirim ke WA saya
4. Tetap semangat 
5. Thank youuuuuuuuuu

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